Pros and Cons of Sperm Retention: What You Need To Know

Like most couples, you probably hope for a baby as soon as possible. And if you’re like most couples, you want to conceive as naturally as possible. Unfortunately, this isn’t always achievable—it may not be realistic. One of the fertility challenges that many couples face is sperm retention. When one partner has low sperm count, it can severely limit the chances of conceiving naturally. But what are pros and cons of sperm retention? In this post, we will explore pros and cons of sperm retention so that you can make informed decision about whether or not to pursue it.
Sperm Retention: How It Works
Sperm Retention is a technique used to delay ejaculation. It involves the use of a condom and a spermicide, and it has both pros and cons.
The Pros of Sperm Retention:
-It can help you last longer in bed.
-It can increase your chances of getting pregnant.
-It can be an effective way to reduce anxiety or stress during sex.
The Cons of Sperm Retention:
-It may be difficult to get aroused when using sperm retention techniques.
-It may require some practice to get the hang of it.
The Pros and Cons of Sperm Retention
There are pros and cons to sperm retention, but deciding whether to undergo it is ultimately up to you. Here are some poinyts to consider before making a decision:
Pros of Sperm Retention
- Increased fertility. Many couples who have successfully undergone sperm retention report increased fertility rates. This is likely because retained sperm remains viable for an extended period, which may help you conceive if you struggle to get pregnant.
- Increased chances for a pregnancy after IVF/ICSI treatment. If you’re considering sperm retention as a potential fertility treatment option, know that it can also increase your chances of getting pregnant after undergoing traditional infertility treatments such as IVF/ICSI. In some cases, retaining your sperm before treatment can actually improve the chances of success by encouraging better fertilization rates.
- Reduces anxiety associated with infertility treatments. Some couples find that sperm retention gives them a sense of calmness and security during their fertility journey, reducing their anxiety levels.
- Reduces chance of invasive surgery. One potential downside to sperm retention is that it may reduce your chances of having any invasive surgery required for fertility treatments – such as intracervical insemination (ICI). However, this risk may be outweighed by the increased likelihood of successful conception resulting from semen retrieval procedures conducted via sperm preservation techniques such as cryopres
When To Expect Your Last Period
The average woman has her last period between 25 and 35. For some women, it may come as early as 18 or 19. For others, it may take longer, perhaps up to 5 or 6 years after menarche. Periods can vary significantly in duration from one woman to the next, so there is no way to predict when your last period will be. However, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of having a regular menstrual cycle.
Signs You Might Not Be Getting Pregnant
- You may not be getting pregnant because you are not ovulating
One of the most common reasons couples do not conceive is due to a problem with ovulation. If your body is not releasing an egg each month, it is difficult for your husband’s sperm to reach and fertilize it. This can happen if you have difficulty getting aroused or if there is something blocking the flow of your menstrual blood. To diagnose whether you are ovulating, your doctor may perform a pelvic exam or ask you to keep track of your cycle using fertility monitors. If you are still unable to conceive after trying for several months, it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the blockage.
- You might not be getting pregnant because your husband’s sperm count is low
It is also possible that you are not getting pregnant because your husband’s sperm count is low. Normally, about 24 million sperm are ejaculated during sexual activity – but this number can decrease as men age and their testicles shrink in size. If less than 10 million sperm make it into the woman’s vagina during intercourse, fertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) may be required. A semen analysis can help determine whether your husband’s semen contains enough viable cells and whether his overall health is good enough for conception to take place.
Taking Precautions If You Don’t Want Kids
If you don’t want kids, there are few precautions you can take to ensure your fertility is preserved. One of the most important things is to have regular ejaculations. This helps to keep your sperm healthy and active. It’s also important to avoid exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants, as these can damage your sperm cells. Finally, make sure to get plenty of exercise and eat a balanced diet. All of these activities will help keep your overall health in check and preserve your fertility.
There are pros and cons to sperm retention, and decision whether or not to undergo it largely depends on individual circumstances. Here are some key things to consider:
The Pros of Sperm Retention
Some potential benefits of sperm retention include increased fertility rates, a decreased chance of fathering a child with genetic abnormalities, and improved chances of conception if you’re using assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In addition, sperm storage may help to address male infertility issues that are due to low sperm counts or low quality.
The Cons of Sperm Retention
Like any medical procedure, there are associated risks associated with sperm retention. These risks may include infection, damage to the reproductive organs, and even death. Additionally, Wasson points out that some men may find it difficult emotionally to keep their semen frozen for long periods of time.