Oral cancer vs canker sore: What’s The Difference?

If you’ve had toothache, you know that they can be excruciating. And if you have a lot of teeth, that pain can become chronic. Unfortunately, this is just one example of the effects of oral cancer. Oral cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, and it’s no wonder: it is caused by abnormal growth of cells in tissues of the mouth and throat. The good news is that it can be easily prevented with regular screenings. In this blog post, we’ll explore what oral cancer is, oral cancer vs canker sore and how you can detect it early. We’ll also talk about how to treat it and prevent its recurrence.
What is Oral Cancer?
It is type of cancer that starts in cells that line the inside of your mouth and throat. It can fatal if not treated quickly. Canker sores are also type of cancer, but they are usually caused by an infection (like Streptococcus). They can also be dangerous if left untreated, but they’re less likely to spread to other parts of the body.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer?
Oral cancer is a highly treatable form of cancer that can occur on the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth and other parts of the mouth. In contrast, canker sores are smaller, painful ulcers that most often occur on the inside of the lower lip. The two conditions have some shared signs and symptoms, but there are also important differences. Here are five things to watch for if you think you may have oral cancer:
- A change in your chewing or eating habits – If you’ve always chewed slowly and thoroughly, but now find that your dental work causes persistent bleeding or new lesions appear after eating certain foods (e.g., hard candy), it’s worth checking into. Rapid or excessive chewing can also be a sign of oral cancer.
- Upper tooth pain – If you experience intense pain when biting down on one side of your upper teeth (especially if it’s been happening for a long time), it could be a sign of an Oral Cancer lesion. This type of pain may also radiate to other areas around your mouth, including near your jawbone or neck (ossea).
- Swelling in the lymph nodes near your neck – This swelling is often seen in people with advanced Oral Cancer and can indicate that the cancer has spread beyond the mouth region. Lymph node enlargement may also signal other health concerns such as hepatitis C infection or head and neck cancer.
- Changes in facial features –
What is the Treatment for Oral Cancer?
The treatment for oral cancer depends on the stage of the cancer. Most common type of oral cancer is squamous cell carcinoma, which is treated with surgery and radiation therapy. Other types of oral cancer are treated with different combinations of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
If the person has early-stage oral cancer, they may be able to have a partial or total removal of the tumor using a surgical procedure called a laryngeal shave. If the person has late-stage oral cancer, they may only be able to receive radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
What are the Side Effects of Treatment for Oral Cancer?
There are a few key differences between oral cancer and canker sores. Cancer generally occurs in the Oral cavity (the area below the lip), while canker sores typically form on the cheeks or around the lips. Cancer is also more aggressive, with a higher mortality rate, while canker sores usually healed without any serious consequences. But despite these differences, both conditions require treatment in order to prevent them from progressing and/or metastasizing.
The first step in treating either condition is diagnosis. Oral cancer is often diagnosed during a routine check-up because it presents as an unusual lesion on an x-ray or CT scan. Canker sores, however, may go unnoticed for months or even years due to their tiny size and location. If left untreated, canker sores can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
Treatment for oral cancer typically involves surgery to remove the tumor or part of it, along with radiation and/or chemotherapy if necessary. Depending on type of tumor and its location, patients may also need dental surgery to remove gingival tissue (the thin layer of cells that covers teeth) surrounding the tumor site. Canker sore treatment typically involves antibiotics to kill any bacteria that may be causing the pain, hydrogen peroxide to cleanse and dry out the area, and pain relief medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Is There a Cure for Oral Cancer?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as best cure for oral cancer depends on the specific type of cancer and how advanced it is. However, some methods that have been shown to be helpful in treating oral cancer include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. If you are diagnosed with oral cancer, it is important to discuss with your doctor about the best treatment option for you.
Can Canker Sores Be Related to Oral Cancer?
There is some evidence that canker sores and oral cancer may have a connection. Canker sores are often the first sign of oral cancer, as they are typically caused by infection or inflammation in the mouth. Additionally, some studies have found that people with oral cancer are more likely to develop canker sores. However, it’s still unclear whether this is due to the fact that people with cancer tend to have more severe cases of canker sores, or if there is something else linking the two conditions.
So you’ve been told that you have oral cancer, and now you’re wondering what the difference is between oral cancer vs canker sore. Oral cancer is a much more serious condition than canker sores, and if left untreated it can lead to death. Canker sores, on the other hand, are relatively common and usually heal on their own without any treatment. If you want to know whether you have oral cancer or canker sores, your doctor will be able to do a thorough exam of your mouth to determine the problem.